Lane Clarke at Del Mar Nationals after Clearing a Seven Foot Jump to Win the $10,000 High Jump

Anne Cole for the Purchase of David and Ongoing Support of Lane Clarke
Thank you to Anne Cole for her generous support of our program. Anne purchased David in 2007 as a Grand Prix prospect for Lane Clarke. Although David is small for a Grand Prix horse, measuring 16.1 hands, his jumping style, movement, and work ethic are exemplary. Together Lane and David have won or placed in over 20 Grand Prix and other money classes.

Ellen Coxe Price for the Purchase of Diamond Cliff Lass and Va Va Voom and for Her Ongoing Support of April Branson and Lane Clarke
We would like to thank Ellen Coxe Price for the purchase of Diamond Cliff Lass (Lassie) and Va Va Voom (Missy). With Ellen's support, April Branson was given an opportunity to compete in her first Grand Prix. Ellen is a big contributor of our program and generously supports our riders to help them achieve their riding goals.

Antares Saddles & Helmets
Thank you to Antares Saddles & Helmets for their support of our efforts.
You may find out more about Antares products and services by going to their website at: http://www.antares-sellier.com/
Toklat Line Of Equine Products
Thank you to Toklat for their support of our efforts.
You may find out more about Toklat products by going to their website at:

Ovation Riding Helmets
Thank you to Ovation Riding for their donation of riding helmets for our summer camps and jump start program.
You may find out more about Ovation helmets, riding apparel, tack and other horse products by going to their website at: http://www.ovationriding.com/

Alberto Fasciani Boots ~ Hand Made In Italy
Thank you to the fine Italian boot makers, Alberto Fasciani, for their support of our efforts.
You may find out more about Alberto Fasciani Boots on their website: www.albertofasciani.it/